Study Fees
Act on Fees in Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHGebG)
Fees for second degrees
All students who take up a second or further course of study in an undergraduate degree programme (Bachelor's or Staatsexamens degree programme) or in a second or further consecutive Master's degree programme following a higher education degree completed in the Federal Republic of Germany must pay fees of 650 euros per semester (continuing education, part-time Master's degree programmes are exempt from this). The legal basis for this is §8 Para. 1 of the Long-Term Higher Education Fees Act.
Students who study two degree programmes in parallel also become liable to pay fees upon completion of one degree programme (the legal basis for this is §8, Para. 5 of the State Higher Education Fees Act). The obligation to pay fees comes into effect at the beginning of the semester following the date of the first degree certificate.
The usual semester fees are added to this.
A fee for a second degree will not be levied, provided a fee for International students has already been charged. A degree obtained abroad will not be taken into consideration.
According to the proposed legislation a taker of a second degree will be exempt from paying the fees if, according to professional regulations, the attainment of an additional qualification is required (e.g oral surgery). The same is valid for the study of an extension subject in the framework of a teaching profession.
The following shall be exempt from paying the fees:
- Students on a leave of absence provided that the application for the leave of absence has been submitted before the start of the lecture period.
- Students on an internship, which is an obligatory part of their degree.
- A student with a significant disability, which subsequently has a negative impact on their studies in accordance with § paragraph 2 SGB IX
A course change within a study program will not lead to the levy of the fee for a second degree program.
Both students and applicants are compelled to provide relevant documents and information evidencing an exemption at the time of enrolment or re-registration respectively, at the very latest.
Fees for international students
Affected are International students who are neither nationals of a member state of the European Union (EU), nor another contracted member state of the European Economic Area (EEA), this means from Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, and who will take up a bachelor degree, consecutive master degree or state examination from winter semester 2017/2018. This does not apply to continuous education programs.
Fees for international students in the amount of 1,500 euros per semester are charged in accordance with § 3 Paragraph 1 LHGebG. In addition, the usual semester fees (currently 190 euros per semester) must be paid.
International students who began their studies before the 2017/2018 winter semester may complete them in the selected field of study and degree program without being required to pay tuition. If one is enrolled into two subjects (e.g. a Bachelor of Arts with a major and a minor), one is permitted to change one subject once without paying the fee.
The following International students are not liable to pay the fees:
Please note: This list is merely a brief summary. The specific documents required for each reason are listed in the application form. Please also read the information in the section on submitting the application form below.
- Holders of a German high-school diploma
- Relatives (Spouse, Child) of EU/EEA nationals in accordance with § paragraph 3 of the Freedom of Movement Act/EU.
- Foreign nationals with a residence visa or with a permit of permanent residency/EU in accordance with the Residence Act.
- Foreign nationals with a permanent abode in Germany and a permission to reside according to international law, humanitarian, political, family and other grounds and with a good prospect of staying in the country (e.g. entitled to asylum, acknowledged refugee status in accordance with the Geneva refugee convention, or from family reunion to German, or to foreign nationals, with a permanent abode).
- Foreign nationals with a permanent abode in Germany who stay legally for 15 uninterrupted months in the country and who possess a specific residency permit.
- Tolerated foreigners with a permanent abode in Germany who stay legally for 15 uninterrupted months in the country.
- Foreign nationals who have been living in Germany for 5 years and who are legally employed. The applicant has to provide evidence of 60 months in which the income was at the respective month’s maximum BAföG level + 20%. Marginal employment (“geringfügige Beschäftigung”) cannot be considered. Detailed information can be found in the application form.
- Foreign nationals who have a parent who has been been living in Germany for 3 years overall during the last six years, and who is legally employed. The applicant has to provide evidence of 36 months in which the parent’s income was at the respective month’s maximum BAföG level + 20%. Marginal employment (“geringfügige Beschäftigung”) cannot be considered. Detailed information can be found in the application form.
- Foreign nationals who have a bachelor and consecutive master degree or a state examination (“Staatsexamen”) that have both been completed in Germany; a second degree fee will nevertheless be applicable.
- Students with a disability that affects their ability to study to a considerable degree as per Section 2 of SGB IX (German social code)
- Foreigners with a residence permit (§55, section 1) and citizenship of a country with so-called good prospects for remaining in the country (as of 17.01.2022: Syria, Eritrea, Somalia, Afghanistan)
- Phd students
- Erasmus Students
- International students, who within the framework of the agreement at country, state or international level, and who are guaranteed to be free of paying fees, become matriculated. (see section 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 LHGebG)
- Short-term students, who within the framework of an exchange program from the Albert-Ludwigs-University and a partner university, and whose exemptions from fees are expected to be reciprocated, become matriculated.
Note: so called Freemover, which means students, who study at the University of Freiburg on a self-organized short-term basis which is not part of an exchange program, are liable to pay the fees. - Students participating in university partnerships at the state, national, or international level that do not include a tuition requirement. Also exempt from the fee are students enrolled in international cooperative degree programs that include a required study abroad at a partner institution and lead to a joint degree or a degree from each of the participating universities.
Submitting the application form
For applicants before enrollment:
When you apply and get accepted for a Bachelor, consecutive Master or State Examination degree program (this does not apply to continuous education programs), you will receive a separate payment request (notification of fees). Additionally, you will receive a ready-made application form with your individual applicant number. The application form will list under which conditions you would not have to pay the study fees and which evidence (certificates, residence permit etc.) you must provide in order to be exempt. This application can be submitted to the University until the start of lectures. Subsequently you will receive confirmation on whether or not you have to pay the fees.
If you are required to pay the fees then you must pay by the end of the matriculation deadline at the very latest.
For students who are already enrolled:
Please hand in the complete application form with all required documents before the start of the lectures. After the start of lectures, no application forms can be accepted anymore (only for the following semester). (LHGebG §10 section 1).
Should the conditions for an exemption be met for the first time within one month after the start of lectures, you may still apply for the exemption up to one month after the start of lectures.
Please note: Should the decision regarding your application for exemption not be made before the end of the rematriculation/matriculation deadline, you have to rematriculate as usual and on time. Should your application for exemption be approved, the international tuition fees (1500€) will then be refunded to you.
The following International students can be exempt from the international tuition fees:
- Students on a leave of absence, provided that the application for a leave of absence was submitted before the beginning of the teaching period
- Students in a semester of study in which they are completing the practical year in accordance with Section 1(2) Clause 1 No. 1 of the Approbationsordnung für Ärzte (German medical licensing regulations). Application for exemption from tuition fees for international students in the practical year and/or practical study semester
- Students in a practical semester that is a fixed component of the study regulations to be completed within the standard period of study. The application has to be submitted before the beginning of the teaching period. Application for exemption from tuition fees for international students in the practical year and/or practical study semester Note: If you intend to complete a voluntary internship that is not a part of the study regulations for your degree program, you may only be exempted from tuition if you have applied for a leave of absence in time (see 1.).
If you have any questions, please contact