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All students have to enrol at the University Of Freiburg before they can commence their studies. With your enrolment, you become a student member of the University of Freiburg.

Dear students,
You can apply for/proceed with your enrolment in writing by post or in person at the Student Service Center. The semester fee can be paid by bank transfer or by card (Girocard) on site.

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
LBBW/BW-Bank Stuttgart
IBAN DE71600501017438508768
Please state as reference with your transfer the letters “BEW”, your application number AND your first name and surname (e.g. BEW621798LenaMusterfrau)


Enrolment for German students

For enrolment, you will need a letter of admission from the University of Freiburg, an application for enrolment and other documents. All documents required for enrolment can be found below under "Enrolment documents and information sheets".

  1. The possibility to create the application for enrolment online is available for all applicants except for admissions to medicine, dentistry and pharmacy. In this case please use the paper application form.
  2. submit on paper with the remaining documents. You will find the paper application form below under "enrolment documents and information sheets".

We recommend that you fill out the application online, as your data will be recorded and stored in the system as soon as you fill it in, thus accelerating and facilitating the enrolment process.

Please note that the enrolment must be completed within the deadline specified in the letter of admission.

If you have been admitted by the Foundation for University Admissions ( for the study programme Pharmacy or Medicine, you must apply for enrolment at the Registrar's Office within the deadline specified by It is not sufficient to submit only the acceptance section of

For undergraduate subjects/degree programmes without special admission requirements (admission-free), you can register in the applicant portal, submit an application form there with all the necessary documents. Afterwards you can fill out the application for online enrolment, print it out, sign it and submit it together with all the original documents to the Registrar's Office by the end of the enrolment period. You will not receive an admission notice in this case. Please remember to enclose a sufficiently stamped envelope for the return of your original documents. List of undergraduate subjects/degrees without special admission requirements (admission free)

You can apply for enrolment either in writing or in person. If you are unable to complete the enrolment documents in person or cannot enrol in person, e.g. due to absence, you can authorise a person of your choice (e.g. parents, siblings) to do so. In this case, a written power of attorney must be enclosed with the enrolment documents to be submitted.


The enrolment for German applicants and applicants with a German education is managed by the registration office of the Student Service Center.

Student Service Center
Registration Office
Sedanstr. 6
79098 Freiburg

If you are moving to Freiburg within Germany, please register with the City of Freiburg within two weeks using the online service for flat registration [de].

Enrolment for International Students

When and where does enrolment take place?


  • Enrolment will take place until 10.04.2025 at the Service Center Studium in Sedanstr. 6, 79098 Freiburg. Please also take note of the individual enrolment deadlines stated on your admission notification, if applicable. We will gladly accept your documents in person or by post.
  • We kindly ask you to transfer the semester fee (190,-- euros) and the international tuition fees (1500,-- euros) if possible. Alternatively, you can also make a giro card payment with us on site. Please note: Students of the continuous education programs do not pay these 1500,-- euros!

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Service Center Studium
Registration Office
Sedanstr. 6
79098 Freiburg

Office hours: Mo, Tue and Thu 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and Thu 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Enrolment at a glance

What documents do you need to bring with you to enrolment?

  • Your enrolment application (full-time or visiting student).
    You can prepare the enrolment form online. Please log in with the access data from your application, follow the instructions on the website, print the document at the end and sign it before submitting.
  • your letter of acceptance
  • your university entrance qualification
  • a certificate providing evidence of German statutory health insurance coverage or an exemption from the health insurance requirement: will be transmitted electronically to us by the statutory health insurance company. For this purpose, please request "Meldegrund 10 for Uni Freiburg" from your chosen German statutory health insurance. Your health insurance card or EHIC or a written general proof of insurance are not enough. See below for more information.
  • a receipt (e.g. the bank transfer receipt) confirming payment of your student fees and administrative fees (original or printed); you can pay the fees directly with a German Girocard (with PIN) when you enrol. We do not accept Visa or Mastercard. See below for more information.
  • if you have already been enrolled as a student in Germany (even if it was only exchange or short-term): Your disenrolment certificate (printed) and any certificates you earned from examinations at that university. If you need an disenrolment certificate, please contact the respective university.
  • If your letter of admission requests other records with your online enrolment application, e.g. a record of participation in a study orientation process or language skills, please bring the original or an officially certified copy with you.

Student orientation test

  • Applicants for undergraduate degree programs at the University of Freiburg (bachelor or state examination) must submit proof that they have taken a test to help them choose the right field of study. This is an online test that you can take from the comfort of your own home. It is not a test you can “fail.” You just need to confirm that you have taken it. To do so, just take the test online and print out the certificate of participation, which is generated automatically when you finish the test. If you didn’t include the certificate of participation with your application documents, please bring it with you when you matriculate.
  • List of available student orientation tests

Visa and residency permit

Now that you have received your letter of acceptance, you can organize the formalities of your trip to Germany. Please apply for a visa at an agency of the German government in your native country. Applicants from China, India, and Vietnam must first contact the APS (“Akademische Prüfstelle”).

If you are not an EU citizen, you must apply for a residency permit at the Immigration Office of the City of Freiburg before your visa expires (or, if you live outside of Freiburg, at the immigration office of the “Landratsamt,” i.e., district administrative office). Please make sure to take your passport, your letter of acceptance, passport photos, and evidence of adequate financial means.

A piece of advice from us: Please do not enter Germany with a tourist visa or a Schengen visa for visiting or business purposes!

Upon arrival in Freiburg, you must register as a resident at the Resident Registration Office of the City of Freiburg (or, if you live outside of Freiburg, with the local authorities of your municipality).

Office hours:

Resident Registration Office of the City of Freiburg (Bürgeramt):
Fehrenbachallee 12, 79106 Freiburg, service desk
Monday, Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:30 a.m.– 6 p.m.
Phone: +49 (0)761 201-0,Lde/205252.html

Immigration Office of the City of Freiburg (Ausländerbehörde):
Berliner Allee 1, 79114 Freiburg
Service desk office hours:
Mon. 7:30 a.m.–16:00 p.m., Tue. 13:00 a.m.–16:00 p.m., Wed. 7:30 a.m.– 17:30 p.m., Thurs. and Fri: 7:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m,Lde/205368.html

Municipal authorities (if you live outside of Freiburg):

Please inquire with the municipal authorities or the town hall of the city in which you live to find out their office hours.
Immigration Office of the District Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald (if you live outside of Freiburg):
Stadtstraße 2, 79104 Freiburg
Monday and Friday: 8 a.m. – 12 noon
Wednesday: 1:30 – 4 p.m.

Health insurance

During the enrolment procedure, we make sure that you have health insurance coverage.
If you are insured with a German statutory health insurance company: Request the transmission "Meldegrund 10" for the University of Freiburg from this insurance company. The insurance company will send the necessary information electronically directly to the University of Freiburg.
If you are from an EU country or one of several other European countries and have a “European Health Insurance Card” (EHIC), you do not need to apply for additional insurance in Germany. You can be exempted from compulsory insurance. After your arrival in Freiburg, go to a statutory health insurance company with your EHIC and ask for exemption an electronic transmission ("Meldegrund 10") to the University of Freiburg. You will not receive a paper document, the health insurance company will send the necessary information directly to the University of Freiburg.  
If you are not yet in Germany, you can also contact a German statutory health insurance company in advance. To do so, scan both sides of the EHIC and contact a German statutory health insurance and ask for exemption and electronic transmission ("Meldegrund 10") to the University of Freiburg. You will not receive a paper document, the insurance company will send the information directly to the University of Freiburg.  
Please note: Under German law, holders of the EHIC generally only receive care that is necessary from a medical standpoint in the case of illness.
Even if you are privately health insured in your home country or have taken out special private health insurance for your studies in Germany, you must have a statutory health insurance company in Freiburg certify that you are exempt from compulsory insurance. This also applies to DAAD scholarship holders who are insured over the DAAD. To do this, contact a statutory German health insurance company, either by e-mail or in person, and submit your insurance documents. Ask for electronic transmission ("Meldegrund 10") to the University of Freiburg. You will not receive a paper document; the health insurance company will send the information directly to the University of Freiburg.  
The exemption from the statutory health insurance requirement is binding for your entire course of study in Germany. This means that you may not decide to switch from a private to a statutory health insurance agency during your studies.
If you do not have insurance that is valid in Germany, you must take out insurance with a German health insurance company. Inform the German statutory health insurance company that you would like to enrol at the University of Freiburg and ask for electronic transmission ("Meldegrund 10") to the University of Freiburg. The fee for students up to the age of 30 or up to the 14th semester costs approx. 80 Euro per month, after that the fee increases to at least 160 Euro per month.

Overview of the public health insurance companies in Freiburg

Student Fees

You have to pay administrative and student activity fees as well as a student government fee to the amount of 190,-- euros when you matriculate (short-term students: 183,-- euros). Erasmus students and students who are participating in an exchange program coordinated by the International Office pay 103,-- euros per semester.

In addition, the government of the state of Baden-Württemberg has implemented student fees amounting to 1.500,-- Euro per semester. Affected are students who are not citizens of a member state of the European Union, or from Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, and who wish to undertake a Bachelor, Master or State Examination degree program. Enclosed is a separate payment request (notification of fees)
Detailed information regarding possibilities for being exempt from paying fees

How can you pay the fees?

  • By bank transfer: If you prepare your enrolment application online, you will be told the fees and information about payment (bank details, reference) during the process. Otherwise, please transfer the fees to the account of the Financial Transactions Office at Baden-Württembergische Bank Stuttgart, IBAN DE71 6005 0101 7438 508768, BIC SOLADEST600. As a payment reference for the bank transfer please enter the following data only: BEW, your application number AND your surname (for example: BEW628475Baker). Please note that your bank might charge you international transfer fees which have to be covered by you.
  • with an EC card from a German Bank account (girocard) directly when you matriculate. (You need a PIN for your card!)

Until when do you have to pay the fees?

  • You have to pay the fees upon enrolment at the latest.

Living in Freiburg

In contrast to many other countries, you must find a place to live on your own if you want to study in Freiburg. This is not always easy at the start of the semester, so we recommend beginning your search as early as you can. Several ways to find a room or apartment are through classified ads, the apartment search service offered by the Studierendenwerk, or the private apartment database offered by the International Office:

In addition, you can apply to the Studierendenwerk for a room at a student dormitory. For more information, please visit the Studierendenwerk website

Courses and Departmental Academic Advising

You need to decide which courses you wish to take in your first semester no later than one week before the beginning of the teaching period. You can find out what courses are being offered in the university’s course catalogue. To plan your schedule for the semester, we recommend contacting a departmental academic advisor for your field or fields of study. Information on departmental academic advising for all fields of study is available on the Student Portal. The departmental academic advisors can also tell you how to register for the courses you wish to take.

Almost all departments hold special introductory courses for new students. We strongly recommend that you take these courses!

If you are a short-term student or an exchange student (non-degree-seeking), please contact the international office and Erasmus student representative at your department or your program coordinator for information on learning agreements and suitable courses.

Enrolment for Doctoral Candidates

According to § 38 Abs. 5 of the Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG, state university laws) of Baden-Württemberg, all doctoral candidates must officially enroll if their acceptance as a doctoral candidate took place after March 30, 2018 (the date of the notification about acceptance by the faculty is decisive). There is one exception to this obligatory enrollment for doctoral candidates. According to § 38 Abs. 5 LHG, doctoral candidates who have a contract (e.g. as a research assistant) for which the university is their main employer can be freed of the obligatory enroll.

Depending on your individual circumstances, please complete either the application for enrollment (enrolment) or the form for exemption from the obligation to enroll. The semester fee to be paid is currently 190,-- Euros. Doctoral candidates are generally exempt from the tuition fees for international students (1500,-- euros per semester).

On the information sheet (pages 1 and 2 of the application form) you will find a list of the documents that you must include with your application for enrollment or exemption from enrollment. Important: If you wish to be exempted from the obligation to enroll, you must also submit a copy of your current employment contract.

If you have any questions regarding enrollment, please contact the respective contact person at the Registration Office.



  • Do I need to personally go to the Student Service Center?
    As a rule, you can send the application for enrolment or for exemption from the enrolment requirement by post to the Service Center Studium or submit it in person during office hours.
  • By when do I have to enroll?
    There is no enrollment deadline for doctoral candidates. Enrollment is possible at any time.
  • Before enrolment, I have to be accepted as a doctoral candidate. How does this work? Here you will find step-by-step instructions for acceptance as a doctoral candidate by the respective faculty.
  • What if I am already enrolled?
    If you are already enrolled at the University of Freiburg (e.g. as a student of the Faculty of Medicine), the existing enrollment must be supplemented by a further course of study (doctoral degree). If you want to add another course of study to your existing enrollment, please fill in the change of subject form and enter your old course of study and the "Doctorate" as the new course of study. There are no additional costs.
  • Is it possible to change between enrollment and exemption/registration?
    Yes, if you meet the requirements, a change is possible at any time.

Enrolment Documents


Enrolment dates for summer semester 2025

Central allocation procedure: Dentistry

German students, EU citizens and students with German university entrance qualification (Bildungsinländer*innen) International students
1st study semester  Dentistry (will be published soon) Deadlines according to your letter of admission
Higher study semesters Deadlines according to your letter of admission Deadlines according to your letter of admission

Local allocation procedure

German students and students with German university entrance qualification (Bildungsinländer*innen) International students
1st study semester Subjects with restricted admission 01.02.-10.04.2025 01.02.-10.04.2025
1st study semester Admission-free subjects 01.02.-10.04.2025 01.02.-10.04.2025
Higher study semesters Deadlines according to your letter of admission Deadlines according to your letter of admission
Master’s programmes Deadlines according to your letter of admission Deadlines according to your letter of admission

In individual cases, different deadlines may be set. Please take these from your letter of admission.

Cancellation of Enrolment

Cancellation of enrolment for a first semester is only possible up to one day before the start of lectures. Only disenrolment can be carried out at the start of lectures.
Cancellation must be requested in writing using the form  Application for Cancellation of Enrolment. By cancelling your enrolment, you give up your place of study permanently. The semester fee can only be refunded if the cancellation is applied for in writing up to one day before the start of lectures and the bank details are provided on the application. Cancellation and reimbursement of the semester fee after the start of lectures is not possible.

If you have not submitted an application for enrolment (electronically and/or in writing) by the enrolment date, you do not need to take any further action and your admission will expire automatically.

Admissions and Enrolment Regulations

Admissions and enrolment regulations [de]