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10 Reasons to Choose the University of Freiburg
Admission to the “Studienkolleg” (College for Foreign Students)
Application for a change of fields/degree program or combination of degree programs
Application for a leave of absence
Application for cancellation of matriculation
Application for disenrolment and right to examination
Application for exemption from tuition fees for international students in the practical year and/or practical study semester
Application for Matriculation
Application for Matriculation
Application to determine legal exclusion and/or exemption from tuition fees
Brochure Study Abroad
Certificate of Health insurance
Checklist for Applicants - Full Time Students
International Applicants (with foreign-earned higher education entrance qualification) for Full-Time Undergraduate Studies
Checklist for Applicants - Short-Term Studies (Free Mover)
Checklist for Applicants for Admission to Higher Study Semesters
International applicants (with foreign-earned higher education entrance qualification)
Checklist for applicants for a higher study semester in the subjects of Medicine, Dental Surgery ans Pharmacy
Doctoral Candidates – leaflet and paper matriculation form
Erasmus Faculty Coordinators
Eucor: Checklist for Incoming Students from Freiburg’s Partner Universities
Eucor: Checklist for Outgoing Students from Freiburg
Health Insurance Leaflet
Leaflet Matriculation
Leaflet Matriculation of International Guest Doctoral Students
Leaflet matriculation online
Letter of demand for payment - Studierendenwerk
Letter of welcome - Studierendenwerk
Matriculation and Registration of International Doctoral Candidates
PROMOS: Confirmation of departmental recommendation for the internship
PROMOS: Confirmation of the awarding of the thesis [de]
PROMOS: Funding rates
PROMOS: Internships abroad (except EU+): 6 to 10 weeks
Checklist for the printed application documents
PROMOS: Internships abroad (except EU+): 10 weeks to 6 months
Checklist for the printed application documents
PROMOS: Language Certificate
PROMOS: Letter of recommendation [de]
PROMOS: Semesters abroad (except EU+): 3 to 6 months
Checklist for the printed application documents
PROMOS: Theses abroad (except EU+): 1 month to 10 weeks
Checklist for the printed application documents
PROMOS: Theses abroad: 10 weeks to 6 month
Checklist for the printed application documents
Registration and Demand for Payment
STudent REseArch Mobility Programme (STREAM) Research Project proposal ConFoBI
STudent REseArch Mobility Programme (STREAM) Research Project proposal Cathomen
STudent REseArch Mobility Programme (STREAM) Research Project proposal Biochemistry
UniCard for students of the University of Freiburg
Welcome Days for Internationals - Program
Who can use the online application for enrolment/matriculation?