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Parallel studies at the University of Freiburg

A parallel degree programme exists if you study two degree programmes at the same time. (Legal norm: Section 60 (1) of the Higher Education Act (Landeshochschulgesetz)) Parallel studies always involve a considerable amount of work and high demands. The degree programmes at the University of Freiburg are designed for full-time studies and the workload is calculated accordingly. We therefore recommend that you only consider a parallel study programme after 2 semesters and if you have very good academic performance. In addition, you should seek advice from the academic advisors of both degree programmes before commencing parallel studies.

Parallel studies are subject to special requirements which are regulated in § 6 of the Admission and Registration Regulations of the University of Freiburg.


Parallel degree programmes involving courses with unrestricted admission: in this cases approval is not required

  1. If you are already enrolled in an free admission degree programme and are studying this programme in the 2nd or higher semester and would like to study another free admission programme in the 1st semester
  2. If you wish to study two free-admission programmes from the very beginning
  3. If you are already enrolled in a degree programme with restricted admission and are studying this in the 2nd or higher semester and would like to study another degree programme with open admission in the 1st semester
  4. If you are already enrolled in a degree programme with free admission and are studying this in the 2nd or higher semester and would like to study another degree programme with restricted admission in the 1st semester
  5. If you are studying a subject that has admission restrictions in the 1st semester but is free of admission in the higher semesters (and you are in the higher semester in this subject) and would like to study another subject with admission restrictions in the 1st semester.
  6. If you want to study a degree programme with restricted admissions and a degree programme with open admissions right from the start.


Parallel degree programmes requiring admission

  1. If you are preparing to study a degree programme with restricted admission in the higher semesters and would like to study another degree programme with restricted admission in the first semester
  2. If you wish to study two programmes with restricted admissions from the very beginning
  3. If you are already studying a degree programme with restricted admissions in the advanced semesters and would like to study a degree programme in which only one part (programme) is restricted.


These courses of study are only permissible in parallel study if this is necessary for special professional, scientific or artistic reasons (§ 60 Para. 1 Sentence 3 LHG). Special professional reasons exist if the professional situation is significantly improved by the fact that the completion of the second degree complements the first degree in a meaningful way: This is the case if the activity sought through the second degree in conjunction with the first degree is to be regarded as a combination of two fields of activity specific to the degree programme which, as a rule, cannot already be undertaken by graduates of one of the two degree programmes, and the person concerned demonstrably seeks this activity (cf. Para. 3 No. 3 of Annex 3 VergabeVO Stiftung).
Corresponding evidence and a current overview of achievements must be enclosed with the application for approval of parallel studies.

To find out whether a degree programme is admission-restricted or open (in the 1st FS or in the higher semesters), please refer to the individual websites of the subjects or here.


Parallel studies at the University of Freiburg and at another university in Germany

Parallel studies at the University of Freiburg and at another university are generally not possible, as enrolment is generally only permitted at one university (section 60 (1) of the State University Act).

Parallel study at two universities is possible in the following justified exceptional cases:

  1. The University of Freiburg cooperates with another university (PH, University of Music)
  2. The student can prove that he/she has the time to devote to both courses without restriction, in particular to attend the required courses. This is the case, for example, if he/she is about to graduate and no longer needs to attend any courses.


The informal application for approval must be accompanied by detailed justification with evidence, transcript of records and approval by the other university.


Parallel studies at the University of Freiburg and at a foreign university

Parallel studies at the University of Fribourg and at another university abroad are not covered by the regulations for parallel studies and therefore do not require approval.


Submission of applications

Please submit the informal application for approval of a parallel study programme as soon as you have received admission to your second degree programme at the University of Freiburg. In this case, however, you should do so immediately after notification of admission, as in individual cases you will have to obtain a statement from the department (of the new degree programme). Please enclose the notification of admission with your application.

Students who are already enrolled at the University of Freiburg must also submit the completed form for changing their subject / changing the programme combination. Please submit the written informal application with signature and the corresponding documents:


Service Center Studium
Sedanstr. 6
79098 Freiburg


Please note that upon completion of one of the study programmes, the obligation to pay fees for a second study programme comes into force (§8 Abs. 5 LHGebG)