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Offers for first-year students


Welcome to the University of Freiburg!

The start of your studies is an intense time. At the beginning, many things come at once, which must be planned, organized and found. We have compiled a lot of important information for you here.

You can reach all contact persons by e-mail and telephone. First contact: our hotline.

We wish you a good start at the University of Freiburg!

Install the "myUFR" app

The app "myUFR" - for a good start to your studies!
In the app, you will find many introductory events, a checklist for starting your studies and much more!

Alternatively, you can use the web version of the app (limited functions without navigation, locations, newsfeed).

playstore appstore

Phil und Fabia

Start your studies easily!

In these videos you will find helpful information, tips and insights into starting your studies at the University of Freiburg.

Start your studies easily!

In these Videos you will find helpful information, tips and insights into starting your studies at the University of Freiburg.







Orientation week


What matters at the start of your studies


Course-based examination system


My first lecture


Intercultural Mentoring


Tour through the Student Service Center



Studienstart Uni Freiburg - First Steps

Each winter semester, new students are officially welcomed at Europapark Stadium. On this website you will find a lot of information about your start of studies.




1. Activate your University Account

You will receive the access data by e-mail after your matriculation. The UniAccount is your user ID for all central IT services of the University, e.g.:


Further information can be found in the brochure "University IT
Services for Students


2. Install the app "myUFR"

The app "myUFR" for a good start to your studies!

playstore appstore

You can use the app to:

  • put together your personal programme for the introductory week.
  • be guided directly to event locations.
  • consult the study-start checklist to make sure you don’t forget anything important.
  • find university buildings on interactive maps and be guided to them.
  • prepare for your studies at the University of Freiburg with lots of information and tips.

... and after the start of your studies, you can:

  • browse the calendar of events.
  • find important contact persons.
  • view Mensa (cafeteria) menus.
  • explore the city with Campus Walks.
  • look up study-related terms in the glossary.
  • receive exciting and interesting information in the newsfeed.


The app requires at least Android 5 or iOS 12. Alternatively, you can use the web version of the app (without navigation, locations, newsfeed).

Introductory events

Introductory week for the winter semester

In the week before the lectures begin in the winter semester, the University of Freiburg offers introductory events in the form of information lectures, small group programs, guided tours, etc.

Use the app "myUFR" to plan your introductory week! There you will also find many helpful tips and information.

In some departments, preparatory and introductory events are also held beforehand. It is best to find out more about this on your department's website.

Welcome event for new students

At the beginning of the introductory week of the winter semester, the welcome event for new students will take place in the SC Freiburg stadium.

All new students can enjoy a colorful program here: After the official welcome address by the Rectorate, you can stroll through the „Market of Opportunities“ and get to know the various advising offices and offers for leisure activities at the University of Freiburg.

Welcome Days

International students are additionally invited by the International Office to participate in the Welcome Days during the two weeks prior to beginning of the lecture period.


  • The Student Service Center at Sedanstr. 6 is the first point of contact for all questions concerning your studies. The hotline and information desk are available with all the information you need, and the advisors of the Central Academic Advising Office offer individual advising sessions.
  • Apart from the information desk and the Registration Office, you will also find further advising services in the same building.
  • The departmental academic advising is your contact point for all subject-specific questions. You can find your departmental academic advisor in the respective description of your degree program.
  • The psychotherapeutic counselling of the Studierendenwerk supports you in crises and when facing mental problems. You can also find support from the Studierendenwerk Freiburg on other topics such as housing and financing.
  • The Nightline - the listening phone by students for students - is available daily from 8 p.m. - 0 p.m. at + 49 (0)761 203 9375.
  • The Student Council StuRa also offers advice on various topics.



The Central Academic Advising Office regularly offers workshops on topics such as self-management, procrastination, stress management or study doubts. They are announced on the website of the Central Academic Advising Office.


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In the mentoring program at the University of Freiburg, first-year students are accompanied through their studies by experienced students.

The student mentoring [de] coordinates and supports the following mentoring programs for students at the University of Freiburg.

Intercultural Mentoring:
In the Intercultural Mentoring Program (ICM), experienced students from all faculties (mentors) provide personal, professional and social support to international first-year students (mentees). Mentors and mentees also benefit from participation in numerous workshops, trainings, and great social events.

Mentoring for student teachers [de]:
Student teachers from higher semesters exchange ideas with teachers from all types of schools and, in a second step, pass on their experiences to student teachers at the beginning of their studies.

Online Self-Study Opportunities

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  • On the kosmic platform, you will find online self-study courses for students of interdisciplinary subjects in the fields of mathematics and chemistry. They serve to refresh elementary basic knowledge and close gaps in knowledge. The subject area "Interculturality" provides support in getting to know the university culture and promotes intercultural reflection - an interesting offer not only for international students.
  • Learn about ELIS [de] – a learning strategy training to make your own learning more effective and efficient.

International Students

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In the two weeks before the start of lectures, the International Office invites international students to participate in the Welcome Days.

The department International Admissions and Services in the Student Service Center offers international students advice and support with administrative questions.

The Intercultural Mentoring Program (ICM) is an offer especially designed for international students. First-year students are accompanied through their studies by experienced students here.

The subject area "Interculturality" on the online learning platform kosmic provides support in getting to know the German university culture and offers opportunities to familiarize oneself with the topics of culture and interculturality.



Get to know our campus and make a virtual visit to the University of Freiburg with our Campus Tour With videos, pictures, sound clips and small quizzes we will guide you around the campus and introduce you to different places and people of the university everyday life.