
Students who are enrolled at the University of Freiburg must re-register for each new semester during the registration periods specified below. Re-registration takes place by transferring the semester fee. In order to register for the semester, you must transfer the student activity and administrative fees according to the procedure described below. If you have not completed your registration by the end of a semester, you will be disenroled out automatically. With the disenrolment, the status as a student ends. If your studies at the university come to an end (e.g. graduation), you should apply for disenrolment.
The current semester fee is € 190,-- per semester.
- Current registration form and demand for payment [de]
- Re-registration Deadlines
- Winter Semester: June 1st to August 15th
- Summer Semester: January 15th to February 15th
You have three possibilities to re-register:
1. Direct debit via the Campus Management System
You have the option to re-register online using a direct debit procedure. To do this, create a direct debit mandate in the Campus Management Portal HISinOne in your personal area under "Student Services" („Studienservice“) and, in a second step, a direct debit order.
Please note that this is only possible for your own account, i.e. you must be the account holder and the account must be in the Single Euro Payments Area - SEPA.
Instructions for creating a direct debit mandate in HISinOne
If your bank account with us is blocked, e.g. due to a previous non-payment, please send an e-mail stating your IBAN and the name of the account holder:
2. Transfer to the university account
Bank details:
Baden-Württembergische Bank Stuttgart
IBAN: DE71 6005 0101 7438 5087 68
Purpose: Semester countMatriculation number (without spaces, without further text)
Please only state the relevant semester directly followed by your matriculation number in the purpose of your transfer. For the summer semester 2025 the semester prefix is 20251, for the winter semester 2025/26 it is 20252.
In the purpose of your transfer for re-registration for the summer semester 2025, please write e.g.: 202511234567 (i.e. 20251 before your matriculation number). To enable automatic allocation and faster processing, do not use any spaces or additional text. Please note: When transferring the semester fees, it can take up to 14 days for your re-registration to be noted in the system.
3. Payment at the payment terminals in the Student Service Center
You can also pay the semester fee with your Girocard during the opening hours of the Registration Office or International Admissions & Services. Please note that we cannot accept credit cards.
Composition of the semester fee
The current semester fee is € 190 per semester. This is made up of € 80.00 administration fee (in accordance with § 12 LHGebG), € 7.00 contribution to the constituted student body (in accordance with § 3 contribution regulations of the constituted student body of the University of Freiburg) and € 103.00 contribution to the Studierendenwerk (in accordance with the resolution of the Administrative Board and contribution regulations of the Studierendenwerk of 07.12.2022 in conjunction with § 12 para. 2 and § 6 para. 1 of the StWG).
Late fee
The date on which payment is received by the University Cashier's Office is decisive for re-registration. If the transfer amount is not received by the University Cashier's Office until after 15 February and no later than 20 March or between 15 August and 20 September, the late fee for late re-registration in the amount of 10 euros must also be paid (Fee Statutes of the University of Freiburg dated 23 January 2007 (as amended on 26 January 2014 Amtliche Bekanntmachungen Jg. 45, Nr. 58, p. 502)).
If you do not re-register, take leave of absence or disenrol yourself by 20 March or 20 September, we will have to disenrol you ex officio.