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Bachelor’s Programs and State Examination


State Examination

How does the drug in my tablet get to the place in the body where the effect is desired? How are new drugs developed? Why do some tablets have a special coating? These and other questions are addressed in the study of pharmacy. 
Pharmacy is the science of drugs and medicinal substances. In the four-year
state examination at the University of Freiburg, you will deal with the development, production and analysis of drugs. In addition, you will deal with their effects and side effects and acquire drug-related knowledge and skills that will enable you to perform pharmaceutical activities. Whether in pharmacies, hospitals, universities, administration or industry - pharmacists are in demand in many different areas.


To successfully study pharmacy, you should:

  • Have an interest in medical issues.
  • have an interest in scientific subjects such as chemistry and biology.
  • Not be afraid of numbers and formulas.
Academic calendar:

Winter Semester

Standard Period of Study:

8 semesters required for the full degree programme

Admission: First semester:

Restricted admission (90 places)

Non-EU citizens (without German school-leaving certificate) do not take part in the selection procedure via Hochschulstart. Study spaces are granted according to a quota of 5% of the available spaces. Applications are made directly via the application portal of the University of Freiburg.

Higher semesters:

Restricted admission (University)
The admission requirements are specified in the selection statutes (see section "Statutes" below).
For further information on the selection procedure, please refer to the selection statutes for higher semesters (see the section "Statutes" below) and this page.

Please note: University admission requirements may change up to the start of the application period.

Application period: First semester:
Detailed information about the hochschulstart Application Deadlines.

Higher semesters:
Winter Semester: from 1 June to 15 July
Summer Semester: from 1 December to 15 January

Faculty affiliation: Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Pharmacy is the science that deals with medicinal agents and drugs. The curriculum of the state examination program is defined in the nationwide regulations on medical registration for pharmacists. It conveys knowledge related to medicinal drugs and the skills the trained pharmacist needs to conduct scientific research, to critically evaluate findings, and to work responsibly with pharmaceuticals. Graduates practice their profession at public pharmacies, in hospitals, in the pharmaceutical industry, at universities, and in administration. They are engaged in the development, production, and analysis of medicinal drugs as well as in dispensing them and providing information on their effects and side effects. The standard period of study is eight semesters. It is followed by a one-year internship.

The versions of statutes with relevance to teaching and learning provided on this page by the Department of Legal Affairs (in particular admission and selection regulations as well as subject and examination regulations) are primarily for information purposes. This means that all amendments subsequently agreed upon by the University Senate have been integrated into the respective text of the original statutes; in the case of the examination regulations for bachelor's and master's degree programmes, this generally relates to extracts of the respective examination regulations (framework examination regulations, subject-specific provisions, and appendices).
The greatest care has been taken in writing these versions. Nevertheless, it cannot be entirely ruled out that errors may have occurred. Consequently, it is solely the officially announced statutes and statute amendments that are legally binding, i.e. as published in the Amtlichen Bekanntmachungen der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau [de] or, up to the year 2000, in the official gazette of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

Central Academic Advising Office

The University's Service Centre Studies - Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) provides information and advice on all questions that may arise prior to, at the beginning of, and during a course of study. If you are seeking subject-specific advice in addition to this, you can also contact the respective subject academic advisor.

Departmental Academic Advising

Academic Advising
Dr. Franz-Josef Volk
Hebelstraße 27
79104 Freiburg
Tel.: +49 761 203-67586
Program Coordination
Dr. Mira Kuisle
2. Stock
Hebelstraße 27
79104 Freiburg
Tel.: +49 761 203-4897

Examination Office

Hebelstr. 27, 79104 Freiburg
Olga Cerilli, Telefon: 0761 203-5976
Montag und Dienstag 8.00 Uhr bis 11.30 Uhr
Donnerstag und Freitag 8.00 bis 11.30 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung
  • see Information from the field
  • Online Study-Choice Assistent [in german]
    The OSA will give you a realistic preview of the content, procedures and requirements of the relevant field of study at the University of Freiburg. It also offers you the opportunity to test your own interests, ambitions and skills, and through an individual feedback to assess whether the appropriate field of study at the University of Freiburg fits you.
University selection procedure (AdH) - selection limits in previous award procedures

Semester AdH selection limit
Winter Semester 2024/2025 Additional aptitude quota (ZEQ): 43,3
Selection procedure of the universities (AdH): 28,5
Detailed results of all universities are published by Hochschulstart
Winter Semester 2023/2024 Additional aptitude quota (ZEQ): 0,0
Selection procedure of the universities (AdH): 30,7
Detailed results of all universities are published by Hochschulstart
Winter Semester 2022/2023 Additional aptitude quota (ZEQ): 0,0
Selection procedure of the universities (AdH): 29,2
Detailed results of all universities are published by Hochschulstart
Winter Semester 2021/2022 Additional aptitude quota (ZEQ): 34,5
Selection procedure of the universities (AdH): 32,7
Detailed results of all universities are published by Hochschulstart

Applicants who are not nationals of EU member states or of signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or who are not equivalent to Germans pursuant to Section 1 (2) No. 2-3 HZVO (Baden-Württemberg University Admission Regulations) and/or do not hold a German higher education entrance qualification may not take part in the lottery procedure.

Lottery procedures are conducted in subjects with restricted admission where places are still available. Should places still be available after the final waiting list procedure, these are allocated in a lottery procedure. Application for participation in the lottery procedure must be made online and separately for each degree programme to which admission is sought. The application period for the winter semester is from 1 September to 30 September and for the summer semester from 1 March to 31 March. Applications received earlier or later than stipulated will not be considered.

The online application portal for the lottery procedure is only open during the application period.