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Bachelor’s Programs and State Examination

Regio Chimica

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) – 1 field degree program

Study chemistry on both sides of the Rhine valley – that is the concept behind the German-French Bachelor degree program Regio Chimica (Chemistry). This degree offers you the unique opportunity to combine scientific and intercultural studies, develop your skills in three languages (German, French, English), and spend a year abroad in France on your Bachelor program.

Since 2010, students from France, Germany and other countries have been offered a three-year degree program shared between the University of Freiburg and the Université de Haute Alsace in Mulhouse. Both universities are part of Eucor – The European Campus, the cross-border university association of the Upper Rhine region. The first year takes place in Mulhouse, the second in Freiburg, and in the third you can choose where you wish to finish your studies. You study Chemistry together in a German-French group and at the same time learn about the culture and way of life of the partner country.

Studying in Germany and France also expands your specialist horizon, because you learn about different work methods that are complementary in the scientific subjects. Another difference in the degree is that the scientific education is accompanied by intercultural modules. There are also permanent contacts at both universities who are there to help you with administrative issues throughout your entire studies.


This is the right place for you if you

  • find interest and joy in the subject of chemistry,
  • are enthusiastic about other cultures,
  • are interested in multilingual studies,
  • can hold simple everyday conversations in French (min. level B1).
Language of instruction:

German, French, English

Academic calendar:

Winter Semester

Standard Period of Study:

6 semesters required for the full degree programme

Scope of services:

180 ECTS-Points for the full degree programme

Admission: First semester:

Restricted admission (University): Selection and qualifying examination Procedure (30 places)
Non-EU citizens (without German school-leaving certificate) do not take part in this selection procedure. Study spaces are granted according to a quota of 8% of the available spaces.

Further information on the admission requirements can be found in the entrance examination statutes (see section "Statutes" below) and on the faculty web pages

Higher semesters:

Without special prerequisites for admission (free admission)

Please note: University admission requirements may change up to the start of the application period.

Application period: First semester:
15 July

Higher semesters:
Winter Semester: until 30.09.
Summer Semester: until 31.03.
Important information regarding required application materials for higher semesters.
Faculty affiliation: Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

The cross-border bachelor’s program in chemistry provides students from France, Germany, and other countries a three-year course of study with courses rotating yearly between the University of Freiburg and the Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse.

The program includes:

  • basic skills in chemistry
  • basic skills in the minor fields physics, computer science, mathematics, life sciences, and scientific communication techniques
  • intercultural skills and basic skills in management, administration, law, and economics with regard to the three countries in the region (Germany, France, and Switzerland)
  • skills in three languages (French, German, English)

The distinctive feature of the program is that the methodological and cultural peculiarities of the participating countries in the various fields of study complement each other and that the courses are taught in both of the partner countries.

The versions of statutes with relevance to teaching and learning provided on this page by the Department of Legal Affairs (in particular admission and selection regulations as well as subject and examination regulations) are primarily for information purposes. This means that all amendments subsequently agreed upon by the University Senate have been integrated into the respective text of the original statutes; in the case of the examination regulations for bachelor's and master's degree programmes, this generally relates to extracts of the respective examination regulations (framework examination regulations, subject-specific provisions, and appendices).
The greatest care has been taken in writing these versions. Nevertheless, it cannot be entirely ruled out that errors may have occurred. Consequently, it is solely the officially announced statutes and statute amendments that are legally binding, i.e. as published in the Amtlichen Bekanntmachungen der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau [de] or, up to the year 2000, in the official gazette of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

For the examination regulations, see "Statutes" section above.

Central Academic Advising Office

The University's Service Centre Studies - Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) provides information and advice on all questions that may arise prior to, at the beginning of, and during a course of study. If you are seeking subject-specific advice in addition to this, you can also contact the respective subject academic advisor.

Departmental Academic Advising

Brigitte Mundinger
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie II, Regio Chimica
Chemie II, Raum 231
Albertstr. 21
79104 Freiburg
Tel.: +49 761 203-6133

Examination Office

Jennifer Glockner
Hebelstr. 27 (EG)
D-79085 Freiburg
Tel. 0761 203-96862
Termin nach Vereinbarung
  • see Information from the field
  • Online Study-Choice Assistant [in german]
    The OSA will give you a realistic preview of the content, procedures and requirements of the relevant field of study at the University of Freiburg. It also offers you the opportunity to test your own interests, ambitions and skills, and through an individual feedback to assess whether the appropriate field of study at the University of Freiburg fits you.

The tables with the results of the last selection processes allow you to see the assigned grade/number of points in the selection process which would have sufficed and what the waiting period would have been to secure admission. The assigned grade/number of points is based by subject on the average grade or weighted grades achieved in the German higher education entrance qualification, on test results and/or outcome of the selection interview, and also on professional or practical experience in the respective subject.

» List of results [de]