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Discontinued and cancelled programs

Bioinformatics and Systems Biology *

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Note: This course of study was discontinued as of summer semester 2014. A new enrolment is therefore no longer possible.
Language of instruction:

Primarily English

Academic calendar:

Winter Semester

Standard Period of Study:

4 semesters required for the full degree programme

Scope of services:

120 ECTS-Points for the full degree programme

Admission: First semester:

An application is no longer possible

Higher semesters:

An application is no longer possible

Please note: University admission requirements may change up to the start of the application period.

Application period: First semester:
An application is no longer possible

Higher semesters:
An application is no longer possible
Application: An application is no longer possible
Faculty affiliation: Faculty of Engineering

Bioinformatics and systems biology are young, up-and-coming, and demanding branches of science at the interface between computer science and the life sciences. Bioinformatics and systems biology are both closely connected with recent progress in biotechnology, molecular biology, and medicine. The master of science program in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology is a two-year interdisciplinary course of study aimed at especially qualified German and international students.

The master’s program is planned as a consecutive course of study for graduates of a bachelor’s program in computer science with the minor field bioinformatics – like that offered at the University of Freiburg. However, the program is also open to external applicants who possess equivalent qualifications in a field of the natural sciences. The goal of the program is to teach students the methodology of bioinformatics and systems biology and strengthen their background knowledge in areas of biology and computer sciences relevant for these fields.

The versions of statutes with relevance to teaching and learning provided on this page by the Department of Legal Affairs (in particular admission and selection regulations as well as subject and examination regulations) are primarily for information purposes. This means that all amendments subsequently agreed upon by the University Senate have been integrated into the respective text of the original statutes; in the case of the examination regulations for bachelor's and master's degree programmes, this generally relates to extracts of the respective examination regulations (framework examination regulations, subject-specific provisions, and appendices).
The greatest care has been taken in writing these versions. Nevertheless, it cannot be entirely ruled out that errors may have occurred. Consequently, it is solely the officially announced statutes and statute amendments that are legally binding, i.e. as published in the Amtlichen Bekanntmachungen der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau [de] or, up to the year 2000, in the official gazette of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

Central Academic Advising Office

The University's Service Centre Studies - Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) provides information and advice on all questions that may arise prior to, at the beginning of, and during a course of study. If you are seeking subject-specific advice in addition to this, you can also contact the respective subject academic advisor.

Departmental Academic Advising

Prof. Rolf Backofen
Raum 02-007
Georges-Koehler-Allee 106
79110 Freiburg
Tel.: +49 761 203-7461

Examination Office

Anne Imbery / Liliane Merz
Fakultät für Biologie
Schänzlestr. 1
Altbau, Raum A 309, Gebäude 2 siehe Lageplan
79104 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 (0)761 203 2892
Sprechstunden (persönlich): Mo - Do von 10:00-12:00
* Subjects marked with a star are no longer available for selection by students beginning their studies.