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Master's Programs

Ancient Near Eastern Studies - Living Environments in Past and Present *

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Note: The previous Master of Arts in Ancient Near Eastern Studies - Living Environments in Past and Present has been offered under the name Master of Arts in Ancient Near Eastern Studies since 1 October 2024.
Language of instruction:

German and English

Academic calendar:

Winter and Summer Semester

Standard Period of Study:

4 semesters required for the full degree programme

Scope of services:

120 ECTS-Points for the full degree programme

Admission: First semester:

An application is no longer possible

Higher semesters:

An application is no longer possible

Please note: University admission requirements may change up to the start of the application period.

Application period: First semester: An application is no longer possible
Higher semesters:
Application: An application is no longer possible
Faculty affiliation: Faculty of Humanities

The research-oriented program “Ancient Near Eastern Studies – Living Environments in Past and Present” focuses on the ways of life and living environments of the societies of the old Orient and their cultural, religious, economic, and political views. Since ancient Near Eastern studies is treated as an anthropological, social, cultural, and historical field in Freiburg, the program also touches on current and contemporary developments in the Near East. The analysis of current processes serves as a point of departure for building models and theories to reconstruct ancient Near Eastern societies. In addition, the in-depth study of (pre)historical societies provides a basis for reflecting on current developments.

Students of the program are expected to acquire in-depth knowledge of the material culture of the ancient Near East, including its written legacy, and learn methods and theories for analyzing its context. Students of the research-oriented M.A. program “Ancient Near Eastern Studies – Living Environments in Past and Present” thus learn how to conduct independent research on topics with relevance for the field.

The versions of statutes with relevance to teaching and learning provided on this page by the Department of Legal Affairs (in particular admission and selection regulations as well as subject and examination regulations) are primarily for information purposes. This means that all amendments subsequently agreed upon by the University Senate have been integrated into the respective text of the original statutes; in the case of the examination regulations for bachelor's and master's degree programmes, this generally relates to extracts of the respective examination regulations (framework examination regulations, subject-specific provisions, and appendices).
The greatest care has been taken in writing these versions. Nevertheless, it cannot be entirely ruled out that errors may have occurred. Consequently, it is solely the officially announced statutes and statute amendments that are legally binding, i.e. as published in the Amtlichen Bekanntmachungen der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau [de] or, up to the year 2000, in the official gazette of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

Central Academic Advising Office

The University's Service Centre Studies - Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) provides information and advice on all questions that may arise prior to, at the beginning of, and during a course of study. If you are seeking subject-specific advice in addition to this, you can also contact the respective subject academic advisor.

Departmental Academic Advising

Birgül Ögüt
Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Abt. Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Platz der Universität 3
79085 Freiburg

Examination Office

Werthmannstr.8/Rückgebäude, 79098 Freiburg

Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang, Lehramtsstudiengang gemäß GymPO I
Dr. Tobie Walther
Tel. 203-3221
Raum 02 010/2. OG
Sprechstunde: Dienstag 10.15-12.30 Uhr, Donnerstag 14.00-16.00 Uhr

Magister- und Promotionsstudiengang, Lehramtsstudiengang gemäß WPO
Annette Ehinger
Tel. 203-2011
Raum 03 011/3. OG
Sprechstunde: Dienstag 10.15-12.30 Uhr, Donnerstag 14.00-16.00 Uhr

Achtung: In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit gelten gesonderte Sprechstunden, bitte informieren Sie sich rechtzeitig vor einem Besuch.
* Subjects marked with a star are no longer available for selection by students beginning their studies.