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Master's Programs


Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Are you just completing your bachelor's degree and would you like to deepen your scientific knowledge of psychology in an international environment? Do you want to get a deeper insight into central psychological sub-disciplines and into professional and research practice? Would you like to be given the opportunity to develop an individual qualification profile during your master’s degree? Then the English-German master's program in Psychology is your next stop. The broad Master of Science course leads from the basics to practice and enables individual specialization.

Within four semesters of the master's degree, you will learn about cognitive psychology, social psychology, neuropsychology, work and organizational psychology, and pedagogical psychology in practice and research. Via these various main topics, you will acquire well-founded knowledge, versatile skills and the ability to work independently using scientific knowledge and methods.
Language of instruction:

English and German

Academic calendar:

Winter Semester

Standard Period of Study:

4 semesters required for the full degree programme

Scope of services:

120 ECTS-Points for the full degree programme

Admission: First semester:

Restricted admission (University) (30 places)
The admissions restrictions are determined by the admissions regulations for the individual field (see below in the section ‘Statutes’). For more detailed information, please visit your departmental academic advisor.

Higher semesters:

Restricted admission (University)
2. - 4. study semester: restricted admission
The admission requirements are specified in the selection statutes (see section "Statutes" below).
For further information on the selection procedure, please refer to the selection statutes for higher semesters (see the section "Statutes" below) and this page.

Please note: University admission requirements may change up to the start of the application period.

Application period: First semester:
1 June - 15 July

Higher semesters:
Winter Semester: 1 June - 15 July
Summer Semester: 1 December - 15 January
Important information regarding required application materials for higher semesters.
Application: Please check out the programme website before you apply.
Application for this degree programme is only possible during the application period and is done online.
Faculty affiliation: Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences

In this master's degree, you will acquire essential skills for later practical work as a psychologist. The focus is on the areas of action, cognition, emotion, interaction and communication from an integrative perspective. The degree program is designed in such a way that you will acquire both in-depth content and methodological knowledge over the course of your studies.

The methods subjects include psychological diagnostics, assessment and research methods. Knowledge of methods helps on the one hand in the precise assessment of people and circumstances. It is also necessary for the well-founded evaluation of interventions, programs or the work of institutions. Finally, it enables the critical evaluation of plausible assumptions about important individual or societal problems that are common but may not be reliable.

Based on basic introductory lectures, you can deepen your knowledge in four out of six psychological elective subjects in the area of basic and application-oriented psychological subjects:

Cognitive Neuropsychology
Learning and Instruction
Cognition and Action
Economic Psychology
Higher Cognition
Sustainability and Communication

As part of your studies, you will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge from other disciplines within the interdisciplinary elective module. You can choose from subjects such as educational science, biology, computer science, cognitive science, criminology, neurolinguistics, philosophy, sociology, sports science, economics and many others. In this way, you not only gain insights into important areas of science outside of psychology, but also learn to link the perspectives of other disciplines with psychological approaches. The ability to integrate interdisciplinary perspectives is nowadays of central importance for both practice and research.

As part of skill seminars, you will learn scientifically sound working methods in self-selected projects to develop your profile in the areas of research methods, open science, science communication, teaching, coaching, science communication, etc.

In addition, the professional internship that is integrated into your studies will prepare you for your future psychological work. Here you will gain work experience and learn how to put theoretical knowledge to practical use.

In the master's thesis, you work on a research question that is largely self-directed, but at the same time well supported. You present your project in a colloquium where you receive useful feedback. YOU contribute with your research to the psychological scientific discourse.

This is why you should acquire the Master of Science Psychology at the University of Freiburg:

At the Institute of Psychology in Freiburg…

  • profound experience in research and teaching is documented by external rankings.
  • you will find lecturers who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and research and who represent their subject with enthusiasm.
  • you will acquire a good mix of theoretical knowledge, strategies for applying theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
  • you will be offered teaching that promotes critical questioning, linked thinking and informed decision-making.
  • you will benefit from a constructive, lively interaction between students and teachers in an institute with a rich infrastructure for teaching and research.

The Master of Science degree in Psychology imparts competencies in various psychological disciplines: cognition, emotion, motivation, learning, industrial and organizational psychology, diagnostics and differential psychology, neuropsychology, educational and developmental psychology and social psychology. This course qualifies you in particular for work as a psychologist in the areas

  • Industrial and organizational psychology
  • Educational psychology (e.g. school psychology, adult education or teacher training)
  • Diagnostic and expert activities in various areas
  • Data Science
  • Basic research and applied research

With a successfully completed degree in Psychology, you have also acquired advanced skills in research and evaluation methods. You can think structurally and interrelationally, make informed decisions and work independently, which you can benefit from in various professional fields, including freelance ones. Depending on the chosen focus area, this includes:

  • Journalism and science communication
  • Public relations (e.g. in NGOs)
  • Advice and consulting
  • Human Resources
  • Areas with a methodological focus (e.g. market research, survey research)

You will be qualified in particular for professional activities that require the integration of skills from different psychological sub-disciplines.

Attention: This course does not qualify for postgraduate psychotherapeutic training as a psychological psychotherapist (PP/KJP, according to the legal situation before September 1st, 2020).

The versions of statutes with relevance to teaching and learning provided on this page by the Department of Legal Affairs (in particular admission and selection regulations as well as subject and examination regulations) are primarily for information purposes. This means that all amendments subsequently agreed upon by the University Senate have been integrated into the respective text of the original statutes; in the case of the examination regulations for bachelor's and master's degree programmes, this generally relates to extracts of the respective examination regulations (framework examination regulations, subject-specific provisions, and appendices).
The greatest care has been taken in writing these versions. Nevertheless, it cannot be entirely ruled out that errors may have occurred. Consequently, it is solely the officially announced statutes and statute amendments that are legally binding, i.e. as published in the Amtlichen Bekanntmachungen der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau [de] or, up to the year 2000, in the official gazette of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

For the examination regulations, see "Statutes" section above.

Central Academic Advising Office

The University's Service Centre Studies - Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) provides information and advice on all questions that may arise prior to, at the beginning of, and during a course of study. If you are seeking subject-specific advice in addition to this, you can also contact the respective subject academic advisor.

Departmental Academic Advising

Dr. Yvonne Ziegler
Institut für Psychologie
2. OG, Raum 2038
Engelbergerstr. 41
79085 Freiburg
Tel.: +49 761 203-9449

Präsenzberatung: Mo und Do 9-11 Uhr
Telefonsprechstunde: Mo und Do 11-12 Uhr


Examination Office

Engelbergerstraße 41, EG, 79106 Freiburg
Fax: 0761 203-2471
Sprechstunden: montags und donnerstags von 8:30 bis 11:30 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung

Dr. Michael Scheuermann, Telefon: 0761 203-2499
Diana Bribach, Telefon: 0761 203-9406