Combination Regulations
By accepting the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM, scholarship holders bind themselves not to receive any comparable scholarship for the funding period. If students receive other scholarships that specifically serve the purpose of funding a stay abroad, they are not eligible for a Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM during the same period. Scholarships that do not specifically serve this purpose or are supplementary benefits (e.g. travel allowance, free place in a dormitory) do not usually compete with the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM (procedural note 1.5 of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation). However, it is essential to contact the International Office in advance!
BAföG recipients should note that they are obliged to report the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM to the responsible BAföG office and that the scholarship will be credited against the BAföG.
The scholarship is aimed at students without income abroad. In the case of minor activities, a special arrangement can possibly be discussed with the International Office.