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Incoming Students from Freiburg’s Partner Universities


You are studying at the University of Basel, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg or the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and would like to take courses at the University of Freiburg as part of Eucor: Welcome! You will find below the different steps you need to follow in order to prepare your mobility optimally and to ensure that everything goes smoothly from enrolment to the recognition of the ECTS credits you have obtained in Freiburg.

As a first step, find the courses that interest you in our course catalogue. Eucor students can participate in almost all courses at the University of Freiburg. However, some courses are subject to restrictions on the number of participants or special admission requirements. Please get in touch with the contact person for incoming students at the respective faculty to make sure that you can attend.

--> Please pay attention to the schedule and make sure that you can attend the courses and take the exams. In Freiburg, the “Wintersemester” starts in mid-October and ends in mid-February. The “Sommersemester” starts in mid-April and can last until the end of July.


As soon as you have chosen your courses, if you would like to have the ECTS credits you earned in Freiburg recognised at your home university, the second step is to talk to the academic coordinator of your degree programme at your home university and fill out the Learning Agreement. This document, which must be signed by the student and at least one responsible person from both universities involved, settles the question of the recognition of your credits transparently for all parties involved. At the University of Freiburg, the persons who may sign your Learning Agreement include the international advisor at your faculty and the academic programme coordinator of the degree programme to which the courses you have chosen belong.


Once the key aspects (attendance, recognition) have been clarified, it is time to enrol at the University of Freiburg as a third step. To do so, please download the application for matriculation, which must be filled out and submitted to the Service Center Studium together with the required documents (see below). Please submmit your application at or .

Documents to be provided

Eucor students must in any case present a certificate of enrolment from their home university (in German "Immatrikulationsbescheinigung", in French, "certificat de scolarité") in order to enrol in Freiburg. For legal reasons, all students coming to Freiburg on site must also present proof of health insurance. This also applies if you are insured in France or Switzerland, for example, and are therefore exempt from the insurance obligation in Germany.

Should you have no insurance, be privately insured, exempt from compulsory insurance or not subject to compulsory insurance please submit a certificate or a certificate of exemption (M10) from a statutory health insurance company (e.g. AOK, Barmer GEK, DAK, TK). This can be requested by e-mail and can also be sent directly to the university, e.g. by the AOK. Please note that a copy of your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is not sufficient for enrolment!

After the matriculation, you will receive:

  • By mail: the Unicard for students of the University of Freiburg, which gives you access to cafeterias, the University Library etc.
  • By e-mail: your access details for the online services.


Only after changing your original password in myAccount will you have access to all online services offered by the Rechenzentrum and to the campus management system HISinOne, in which you can sign up for the selected courses in the fourth step (if the faculty has not already done it for you).

Please contact the Rechenzentrum (IT Services) if you have any questions or problems with your university account.

Tip: As soon as you are matriculated, you may purchase the SemesterTicket. It currently costs €89, is valid for six months and entitles you to use public transport in the city of Freiburg and the districts of Emmendingen and Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. You can also use trains and busses within the RVF network (Freiburg) after 7 p.m. free of charge.


At the end or after the semester, make sure to get your transcript of records, which you can find in your HISinOne account. You will need this document to have the ECTS points you earned in Freiburg recognised at your home university as the fifth step.

--> If you plan to take further courses in Freiburg in the next semester, please make sure that you re-register (without link to the general re-registration page) in time (within the re-registration deadline), otherwise your accounts will be deleted automatically! You will receive a notification at the end of the semester to the email address registered in the system. To do so, simply send your proof of enrollment (current certificate of enrollment from your home university) to the Service Center Studium at or at .
If the health insurance certificate -> registration reason M10 from a German health insurance company has expired, you must also apply for it again for re-registration.


You have questions? We are happy to assist you at .

Do you need an overview of these steps in a compact document? Download the checklist for incoming students (in English, German, or French).