Arrival / Beginning
We recommend you to come to Freiburg via Frankfurt am Main Airport. Trains of the Deutsche Bahn (DB) connect Frankfurt with Freiburg regularly. You will get tickets and timetables here.
Alternatives to the Frankfurt am Main airport are the airports Zurich (Attention: Switzerland! Visa!) and Basel/ Mulhouse (take the exit on the French side!)
Arrival Days
We arrange several Arrival Days every semester in the International Office. That's how we will be able to offer a convenient service for incoming students and help them with all the formalities (student room contract, health insurance, bank account, landlord's confirmation of residence for registration office etc.).
The arrival days for the summer term 2023 are on the 1st of March 2023, the 3rd of April and the 4th of April 2023.
Welcome Days and Kick-Off Party
To prepare new international students for their studies at the University of Freiburg, the International Office organizes special Welcome Days before the beginning of each semester, to provide you a lot of information about studying and living in Freiburg. The Welcome Days end with an all-you-can-eat welcome dinner and a big Kick-Off Party International.
Winter Semester 2021/22: October 7th 2021
You will find information about the Welcome Days and the dates for the current semester here.
Choosing courses
You can gain an overview of the courses (e.g. lectures, seminars, exercises) that are offered at University of Freiburg in the course catalog in Campus Management HISinOne. The course catalog for winter term is going to be online in the end of July, the course catalog for summer term in the end of February. If you want to inform yourself about the courses prior to that you can take a look at the course catolog of the previous semesters: the majority of courses take place either every winter term or every summer term. Usually they also have the same course number.
You can register for courses via Campus Management HISinOne (or – as an exception – directly with the lecturers). Without a registration you are not allowed to participate in the course. Please take note of the different registration periods of the different courses. For lectures registration is mostly possible until the beginning of classes. For seminars the registration period can take place several weeks before the beginning or even in the end of the previous semester.
If you have specific questions about your field of study or about required courses in the first semester, the departmental student advisor will be happy to assist you. You will also find further information in our brochure "Welcome guide for international students" in chapter "Where can I find more detailed information about my field of study?
Exchange students should consult the international student and Erasmus representatives of their field of study or their program coordinator in order to inform themselves about learning agreements and suitable courses.
Doctoral candidates should visit their doctoral advisor upon arrival in Freiburg.
Support and assistance
International Office
For general questions or problems the first contact for international students is the International Office. You will find contact persons and office hours here.
The volunteers from “Team International”
Our voluntary “team international” is made up of people who for various reasons feel connected with the University of Freiburg. All of them study – or have studied – at the university and are happy to answer questions on study and life in Freiburg by email or telephone.
In our "Welcome guide for international students" there is a list of those contact persons for students from several countries or language fields.
Two areas of the Service Center Studium can help you with your concerns:
- Academic Advising on study opportunities for international students at the University of Freiburg
- Application and Admissions for international students
- Information for German applicants with foreign degrees
- Information for students of Eucor partner universities coming to Freiburg
- Matriculation for international students
- Registration for international students of the University of Freiburg
- Changing fields and institutions for international students
- Leaves of absence for international students
- Preliminary certification of university documents for apostilles (Hague Convention)
- Issuance of certificates and confirmations for international students
Studierendenwerk Freiburg (SWFR) – Student Services Freiburg
Whilst the university is responsible for research and education, Student Services are responsible for organisation of everyday life providing the framework for a successful education. At the central information "Info-laden" and the advisory centre, students can get help for all of their questions. Whether it is just a general question at the Infoladen or detailed advice on finding accomodation, financing studies or child care, the advisors are always ready to lend an ear and to give some good advice or helpful information.
You will find further offers by the Student Services Freiburg and the contact details here.
In order to ease your transition here, the Student Services Freiburg compiled helpful information about living and studying in Freiburg.
The following link will take you to the info-package.
The Graduate Centre (GraCe)
The Graduate Centre (GraCe) is the central service department of the University of Freiburg for all questions concerning doctoral studies.
You will find further information and contact persons here.
UniCard and MyAccount
After enrollment –the International Office will do this for you - you will receive an e-mail from the University’s IT center including your User-ID and authentication, which gives you access to the University’s online services including e-mail accounts and the online course-booking system HISinOne. Please consider that you first have to change the initial password at the myAccount platform before you can use HISinOne to register for courses, to sign up for exams, to print out certificates of enrollment and to re-register for the next semesters.
You will get further information during the Welcome Days, in the info brochure of the University’s IT center “University IT Services for Students” or on the websites of the University’s IT center here.
The UniCard is your student identification as well as a multi-functional chip card. You will receive your UniCard on Arrival Day in International Office or it will be sent to your adress in Freiburg.
Intercultural Encounter
Buddy Program
International students who come from another country to study in Freiburg might be interested in having a ‘buddy’ showing them around the first few weeks. A buddy from the International Club can help you!
You will find information and registration here.
Language tandems
Both the Freiburg Language Center (SLI) and the International Club Freiburg arrange language tandems.
The aim of a tandem is to promote the exchange of language and culture through a language partnership. International and German students practice languages and establish contact, assisting with their studies or just to get to know each others culture a little better.
You will find all SLI language tandem information here.
Information and registration for an International Club tandem can be found here.
Families for International Friendship
International students who don’t only want to experience student life and the university, but are also interested in getting to know the normal everyday life of a German family, can register for the International Club program „Families for International Friendship“. Families from Freiburg offer students from abroad the chance to do just this, without any ongoing obligation and with no strings attached for the “partners”.
You will find the online registration and information here.
Experiment e.V. – The Experiment in international living Living together. Learning together
Experiment e.V. is a non-profit organization with the aim to promote exchange between cultures, religions and different age groups. The federation fosters intercultural exchanges pursuing its motto "Living together - Learning together".
You will find further information here.