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Frequently Asked Questions about the Deutschlandstipendium




Application requirements

  • Who can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium?
    Applications are open to applicants who will be starting their studies at the University of Freiburg in a summer semester, as well as to students who are enrolled in an undergraduate or Master's degree programme at the University of Freiburg. Short-term students and doctoral students are not eligible for funding.

    The applications of the following students cannot be considered because funding is not permitted:
    • Doctoral students (except doctoral students in human medicine and dentistry who are doing their doctorate parallel to their regular studies).
    • short-term students according to § 60 Abs. 1 S.2 LHG and students on an exchange program who are not pursuing a degree at the University of Freiburg
    • students enrolled in the pre-semester German course and in the Studienkolleg (preparatory course)
    • Students who study only one extension subject in the Master of Education program at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, but are enrolled for the main subjects in the Master of Education program at another university.
    • Application only with the subject Master of Education Erweiterungsfach
  • I would like to enrol at the University of Freiburg for the winter semester. Can I apply for a Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Freiburg?
    No. If you enrol for the winter semester, you cannot apply for a scholarship for the summer semester until the following March.
  • I have received an acceptance letter for a Germany Scholarship from the University of Freiburg. However, I would now like to start my studies in another city. Will I still receive the Deutschlandstipendium from the University of Freiburg?
    No, the Deutschlandstipendium cannot be awarded if you are not enrolled at the University of Freiburg.
  • I am no longer studying within the standard period of study. Can I still apply for the Deutschlandstipendium?

    The maximum funding period depends on the standard period of study in the respective degree program. If the duration of studies is extended for serious reasons, such as a disability, pregnancy, the care and upbringing of a child or a study-related stay abroad, the maximum funding period can be extended. In addition to a personal justification, you must submit suitable proof, e.g. confirmation of a completed internship or a stay abroad. You will also need confirmation from the Dean of Studies or academic supervisor of the justified extension of the standard period of study.

    Due to the pandemic, the individual standard period of study for students who were enrolled in the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/2021, summer semester 2021 and winter semester 2021/2022 was extended by one semester for each of these semesters (§29 para. 3a LHG and §1 Ordinance of the Ministry of Science on the Extension of the Individual Standard Period of Study of August 11, 2021). No separate justification is required on your part for this extension of the standard period of study; the additional semesters are automatically taken into account.

  • At the time of my application, I am still within the standard period of study, but will exceed it after one semester of funding. What do I have to consider when applying?

    If you are still within the standard period of study at the beginning of the funding period (summer semester), there is nothing special to consider when applying.

  • I have very good grades, but do not meet any of the other criteria (social commitment, overcoming biographical obstacles and previous professional training or work experience). Can I still apply and what are my chances? If you only apply with the average grade and have no achievements from the above-mentioned areas (other criteria), you will receive 0 points for these criteria and your application will be at the bottom of the ranking list.

  • During the funding period, I will temporarily be studying at another university/internship abroad for the purpose of a subject-related stay abroad. Can I still apply and receive funding?
    Yes, the scholarship is also paid during the semester break and during a subject-related stay abroad.
  • I am on a semester break (not a semester abroad) during the funding period. Can I still apply?
    Yes, it is possible to apply even though you are on leave of absence, but the Deutschlandstipendium cannot be paid during the period of leave of absence. However, the funding period will be adjusted upon notification by the scholarship holder and the scholarship will continue to be paid after the end of the leave of absence for the remaining funding period (up to 12 months in total).
    If a leave of absence is taken for a semester abroad or for a compulsory internship, the scholarship will continue to be paid. In this case, there is no extension of the grant period.
  • I am still waiting a letter of acceptance from the Foundation for University Admission (Hochschulstart). Can I still apply?
    Yes, but the scholarship can only be granted and paid out if you are enrolled at the University of Freiburg.
  • Can I apply as an international student?
    Yes, international students can also apply for a Deutschlandstipendium. Attention! All application documents and supporting documents must be attached to the online application in English or German. For proofs in other languages, a copy of the original and a certified translation in English or German must be submitted.
  • Which degree programmes are funded?
    In addition to undergraduate degree programmes (Bachelor's degree, state examination), second and supplementary degree programmes, Master's degree programmes and part-time degree programmes are also eligible for funding.
  • I will be doing an ERASMUS semester abroad in the coming semester. Is it still possible to apply?
    Yes. The Deutschlandstipendium will continue to be paid during a subject-related stay abroad within the period of approval. This also applies within the framework of the ERASMUS programme if you receive a mobility grant from the DAAD at the same time.
  • This winter semester I will complete my Bachelor's degree. For the summer semester, I would like to apply for a Master's place at the University of Freiburg. Can I apply for a Germany Scholarship?
    Yes, you can apply with your Bachelor's degree certificate as proof of academic achievement. However, you will only be funded if you are actually studying at the University of Freiburg at the beginning of the scholarship.
  • I am in the first semester of a Master's degree programme and cannot yet provide proof of any academic achievements. Can I still apply?
    Yes, you can apply. Please submit your Bachelor's transcript as proof of academic achievement.
  • I am finishing my studies in the next semester, so I would not be enrolled for the entire period of receiving the Deutschlandstipendium. Can I still apply?
    Yes, but you must inform the university of the month in which you completed your last examination, so that the Deutschlandstipendium is also paid out for the last time in this month.
  • I am studying two subjects in the polyvalent programme (e.g. English and Chemistry), for each of which there are different requirements for application (grade point average 1.3/ 10% best in the year). Which prerequisites apply to me now?
    The prerequisite that gives you the best possible chance of receiving a scholarship applies.
  • Can doctoral students receive support from the Deutschlandstipendium?

    No. The Deutschlandstipendium does not support doctoral students. Only if you study human medicine or dentistry and do your PhD parallel to your regular studies, you are eligible for funding.

  • Can I apply for a scholarship as a guest student?
    No. Guest students cannot receive support through the Deutschlandstipendium.


Selection criteria

Detailed information on:

  • I have committed myself many times and can meet many of the selection criteria. Unfortunately, however, I do not have the required grade point average of 1.3/1.5/best 10%. Can I still apply?
    No, the required grade point average is a preselection criterion. If this criterion is not fulfilled, the application cannot be accepted.
  • Can my involvement date back a few semesters or does it have to be current?
    Past involvement will also be considered, provided it meets the required minimum duration.
  • Which competitions are recognised under the selection criterion "Awards and prizes"?
    It must be a competition that has been officially announced by either a federal state, the federal government or an international sponsor. We recommend that students list any other information not requested in the application form in their CV so that the selection committee can include this information in the decision if necessary.


Questions on the calculation of grades

  • To what extent are decimal places taken into account or rounded when calculating the grade?
    Only the first digit after the decimal point is relevant for the application for a Germany Scholarship. A 1.39999 (or 1.59999) is therefore sufficient for an application. Scores in the subject of law are not rounded, i.e. 11.83 points are counted as 11 points.
  • Is the unweighted average grade of the performance overview calculated by the grades of the major and minor subject (or two major subjects) or only by one of the subjects?
    The grades of all subjects are included equally in the grade point average, provided that these grades are shown in the transcript of records.
  • Are the module grades weighted according to ECTS points?
    No, the unweighted average grade of all grades included in the transcript of records at the time of application applies. This grade must be calculated by the applicants themselves.
  • How are grades on the transcript that are made up of several grades handled?
    In order to calculate the average grade, we take into account all grades achieved during the entire course of study and included in the transcript of records. If grades are made up of several grades also shown on the transcript, the respective individual grades are used for the calculation.
  • Do students have to apply with their current transcript of records even if their most recent examination performance (e.g. the intermediate examination) is better?

    Yes, the current transcript of records is used to calculate the grade point average. Only in cases where no work has been completed in the current degree program will the last examination grade be submitted to calculate the grade point average. The transcript of records must be uploaded in all cases.

  • Do students who have "postponed" examinations (i.e. received a grade of 5 on the transcript) and thus do not yet meet the required grade point average for the moment have the option of applying for the Deutschlandstipendium?
    All grades on the submitted transcript are used to calculate the grade point average. If a performance overview (uploaded in the online application) is available by the end of the application period on which the required grade point average can be verified, the application can be considered. Applicants must clarify questions regarding the visibility of grades in the transcript of records with their respective examination offices.
  • Is the grade point average only composed of the degree programmes in which one is currently enrolled? For example, are grades from a previously discontinued degree programme also taken into account?
    The unweighted average grade of all grades included in the transcript of records at the time of application applies. Grades from previously interrupted studies are taken into account.
  • When calculating the average grade, are grades for coursework (in brackets in the transcript of records) also taken into account or only examination grades?
    Course achievements are not graded. If they are nevertheless given a grade in the transcript of records, they are taken into account.
  • Do the grades of foreign certificates have to be converted themselves? Does the certificate have to be translated?
    We take care of the conversion of grades. However, if the certificate is not available in German, English or French, it must be translated into one of these languages by a certified translator. Please assess your grade yourself in advance, and only apply if you have a realistic chance of receiving a scholarship!


Regulations for the degree programmes in Medicine and Law

  • Which admission limit for the Deutschlandstipendium applies to the course of study Medicine?
    The same grade limit of 1.3 applies to students of medicine as to students of all other degree programmes. There is only a deviation insofar as students of medicine who are in a study stage in which they have not yet received any grades apply with the average grade of their last examination performance, i.e. that of the Abitur or the Physikum. You can find more information on this in the current tender text.
  • Is the medical test recognised as a selection criterion?
    No. This would put students at a disadvantage in whose subjects it is not possible to improve their grade by taking appropriate tests.
  • The law degree programme consists of several study sections (basic, main and specialisation studies), for each of which there are individual performance overviews. How is this taken into account?
    In order to calculate the average grade, we take into account all grades achieved during the entire course of study and included in the performance overviews. If grades are made up of several grades also shown in the transcript, the respective individual grades are used for the calculation. If a current transcript of records is available, law students must apply with it. Only in cases where there is no current transcript of records (e.g. in the Magister degree programmes) can the last examination grade be submitted for the calculation of the grade point average.


Online Application

Please find detailed information on the required application papers here.


  • What documents do I need for the online application?
    The following application documents must be attached to the online application as PDF documents in English or German:
    1. the university entrance qualification of all applicants (for Master students, the university entrance qualification is the Bachelor's degree certificate)
    2. a curriculum vitae from all applicants.
    Proof of academic achievement:
    3. for applicants for a Master's degree, the certificate of the first university degree
    4. Transcript of records (Leistungsübersicht aus HISInOne): For enrolled students, proof of the performance level by means of the unweighted average grade of the current transcript of records. In the event that no achievements have been completed or recorded in the transcript of records, proof of the average grade/final grade of your last examination achievement (university entrance qualification, Physikum / intermediate examination, final grade of the last degree obtained) will be used.

    The transcript of records has to be uploaded in any case.

    5. Applicants to the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy: for students already enrolled in Chemistry, proof of belonging to the top 10% of the year by means of a corresponding certificate from the Examination Office. In Pharmacy, a list of the best students of the year is sent centrally (no confirmation from the Examinations Office is required here). Students in Chemistry must submit such confirmation with their application (the confirmation is issued by the Prüfungsamt).

    Proof of the other selection criteria:

    6. if applicable, proof of social, political and/or personal commitment.

    7. if applicable, evidence of special personal, social or family circumstances

    8. if applicable, evidence of previous professional training or work experience.

    In the case of an application for an extension of funding

    9. A complete application, as for the first application, must be submitted

    Attention! All application documents and supporting documents must be submitted in English or German. For evidence in other languages, a copy of the original and a certified translation in English or German must be submitted.
  • Which supporting documents are necessary for the recognition of the selection criteria?
    The required documents are listed here
  • Does the transcript of records have to be certified by the examination office or can I download it myself from the Campus Management System?

    You can create their own transcripts of records from HISinOne (EXA_252). Certification by the Examination Office (Prüfungsamt) is not required.

  • Do I have to use the online portal or can I also send my application documents by e-mail?
    Only applications that have been completed and sent within the deadline through the online portal will be processed. Supporting documents must be uploaded within the online portal and cannot be submitted by e-mail or post.
  • Can I resubmit performance overviews if performances are posted later and the grade average is improved as a result?
    It is not possible to resubmit performance records. Subsequent submission of performance reviews after the cut-off date of 31.03. is not possible.
  • In which languages can evidence be uploaded?
    In general, supporting documents can be attached to the online application in German or English. For certificates in other languages, a copy of the original and a certified translation in English or German must be submitted.
  • Several supporting documents must be uploaded for one selection criterion. How is this possible?
    Multiple certificates can be uploaded for one selection criterion by transferring both certificates into one PDF document and uploading it.
  • Which proofs have to be certified, which do not?
    For evidence that is not in English or German, a copy of the original and a certified translation in English or German must be submitted. For all other proofs, no certification is required.
  • Can application documents that have not been submitted by the end of the application period be submitted later?
  • Can further education and training certificates be submitted as qualifications for the Deutschlandstipendium?
    Unfortunately, no further education and training certificates can be considered as qualifications for the Deutschlandstipendium.

Funding Duration

  • During the funding period, I will temporarily be studying at another higher education institution/internship abroad for the purpose of a subject-related stay abroad. Can I still receive funding?
    Yes, the scholarship will also be paid during the semester break and during a subject-related stay abroad.
  • I will be taking a temporary leave of absence during the funding period. Can I also receive the Deutschlandstipendium during the leave of absence?
    No, but the funding will be continued at a later point in time after the leave of absence and the award period of the scholarship will be adjusted upon notification by the scholarship holder. The time of the leave of absence is therefore not counted towards the funding period.
  • How long will the scholarship holders be funded? Is it possible to reapply?
    Please find detailed information on the duration of funding and applying for extension here and in the call for applications.
  • How much is the scholarship amount and when will I receive the first payment?
    The Deutschlandstipendium has a funding amount of € 300 per month. The funding period begins on 01.04. The first payment is made retroactively for past funding months after the end of the selection process.
  • Will there also be a selection round in the winter semester?
    No, scholarships are awarded once a year at the beginning of the summer semester.
  • When does the scholarship end?
    As a rule, at the end of the funding period of one year. Deviating from this, if:
    • the last examination has been passed
    • the degree programme has been terminated prematurely
    • the student has changed his or her field of study
    • Exmatriculation has taken place
    • If one of these reasons for termination occurs, scholarship holders are obliged to inform the university immediately.


Compatibility with other funding

  • What effects does the Deutschlandstipendium have on social benefits such as unemployment benefit II, BAföG or child benefit?
    As a rule, the Deutschlandstipendium does not count towards other social benefits such as unemployment benefit II. An exception to this rule is the receipt of housing benefit.
    BAföG and the Deutschlandstipendium are two complementary programmes. As a rule, students can claim both funding opportunities at the same time without deductions.
    Since 1 January 2012, all income and emoluments, including the Deutschlandstipendium, no longer have any effect on child benefit. According to the Tax Simplification Act 2011, the income verification for children of full age will be abolished until the completion of a first vocational training or a first degree.
  • Does the Germany Scholarship have an impact on the contribution to the statutory health insurance?
    The Germany Scholarship has no effect on the contribution to the statutory health insurance as long as the scholarship holder is compulsorily insured in the statutory health insurance (usually until the completion of the 14th semester or the 30th year of life). The case is different if the scholarship holder is (subsequently) insured as a voluntary member. For voluntary members, the legislator has prescribed the levying of minimum contributions. The contributions are calculated on the basis of an assessment basis specified by the legislator. If the income of the insured person that is subject to contributions (this also includes scholarships) exceeds this value, the corresponding income is subject to contributions.
  • Is the Germany Scholarship dependent on income and parents? Does it affect the maintenance claim against parents?
    The Deutschlandstipendium is independent of income and parents. The income situation is not checked.
    In the case of child maintenance, the Deutschlandstipendium is taken into account to reduce the need for maintenance. Students who have reached the age of majority are required to support themselves from their own resources before they claim support from their parents. The Deutschlandstipendium counts as part of the scholarship holder's own income.
  • How is the scholarship treated for tax purposes?
    The Scholarship Programme Act (StipG) was designed in such a way that the Deutschlandstipendium does not generally constitute income subject to tax or social security contributions (exceptions may arise in certain constellations at private, state-recognised universities; the universities can provide information on this).
  • Is it possible to combine the Deutschlandstipendium with another scholarship programme?
    No general statements can be made regarding the combination of the Deutschlandstipendium with other scholarship programmes. In principle, the following applies: Anyone who already receives talent- and performance-based material support averaging 30 euros or more per month cannot receive a Deutschlandstipendium. Whether double funding is approved must be clarified with the respective sponsor. Please also see the document on the admissibility of receiving other scholarships at the same time as the Deutschlandstipendium in the downloadable materials.
  • Can scholarship holders from a scholarship programme for the gifted apply for a Deutschlandstipendium?
    This depends on the amount and type of scholarship funding. If they already receive talent- and performance-based material support averaging 30 euros or more per month, they will not receive a scholarship. This applies in each case only to material sponsorship; purely non-material sponsorship is permissible.
  • Who decides on the awarding of the Deutschlandstipendien?
    The respective selection committee of the university decides on the awarding of the Deutschlandstipendien. Criteria for the selection are based on specifications in the respective statutes, which regulate the implementation in detail, as well as in the Act on the Creation of a National Scholarship Programme (Scholarship Programme Act - StipG). Everything else is to be decided by the universities themselves.


Obligations of the scholarship holders

  • I receive a Germany Scholarship from the University of Freiburg. Am I obliged to provide the sponsor with anything in return (e.g. an internship, taking up a job in the company after completing my studies, etc.)?
    No, in principle, funded students are not obliged to do anything in return. However, students are recommended to participate in events with sponsors or internet forums out of their own interest, as this is how contacts are made that often lead to interesting internship offers or career entry opportunities. In addition, the interest of the sponsors in making a financial commitment to the scholarship holders grows parallel to their interest in the sponsors.
  • Are there certain conditions attached to a Deutschlandstipendium from the University of Freiburg on the part of the companies to sponsored students?
    No, there are no conditions attached to the Deutschlandstipendium, such as a limit on weekly secondary employment. It is paid independently of income and parents. Although loan agreements or other agreements with the sponsors are excluded, it is desirable for the sponsor and the scholarship holder to contact each other if necessary.



  • Does the scholarship have to be repaid after graduation?