State examination
The state examination is taken by graduates in those fields whose studies enable them to have a career as a public servant for the Federal Republic of Germany (teacher, judge) or state regulated professions (doctor, lawyer, pharmacist). Each Federal State has its own exam regulations. In most cases the state examination is divided into two parts over time (first and second state exams); in between the two exams, students partake in a practice-oriented training phase.
Note: For teacher trainees, they can only take their state examination after they have completed their teaching practice program (Referendariat). The prequesite to become a teacher is the successful completion of a Master of Education that comes after the polycalent two-field degree program with a teacher training option at the University of Freiburg.
In principle, it is also possible for international students to take the State Examination. However, graduates who are not citizens of an EU member country are only seldom granted permission by state authorities to work as a civil servant or in a state-regulated profession in Germany.