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Student status at the university ends upon disenrolment. All students can apply for disenrolment at the Registration Office. After applying for disenrolment, the student receives a de-registration certificate. As a rule, disenrolment goes into effect at the end of the semester. Students who wish to leave the university earlier must apply for disenrolment during the registration period in the Registration Office.

You do not have to hand in your student ID card; it automatically loses its function 60 days after exmatriculation. If you do not return the card to us for disposal, we ask you to dispose of it properly in terms of sustainability (recycling center for electrical appliances).

Note to students who are currently in an examination phase:
Although disenrolment means the end of your membership at the university, it does not absolve you of your responsibilities during an examination phase (more information, page 2). That means that regardless as to whether you have exmatriculated or not, you must complete any exams you have started. The examination phase only ends after the exam has been taken. The examination office is responsible for answering any questions about examination rights. The addresses of the examination offices can be found at the respective faculties/deaneries.

You can obtain an application form for disenrolment at the Registration Office or print out a PDF.