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Links and Addresses

Finding medical specialist and emergency practices

You can find medical specialists in your region on the website of the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg (KVBW). To restrict the search to specialists offering appointments in your preferred language, go to “Erweiterte Suche” > “Fremdsprachen”. The KVBW also provides a list of emergency practices.


Additional Counseling and Self-Help

Ergänzende Unabhängige Teilhabeberatung (EUTB)

Counseling for individuals with a disability, for example on applying for assistance services, aids, or an ID card for people with a severe disability.


Disability-Specific Associations and Initiatives

Students with Sensory Impairment

Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf – Fachgruppe Studium und Ausbildung

Self-help and social interests’ group that advocates for self-determination and academic success. In addition to counsel, mentoring and workshops are offered.

Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Südbaden e.V.

Provides counsel and help for individuals with visual impairment.

Gehörlosen- und Schwerhörigenzentrum Freiburg e.V.

Center for people with hearing impairment.


Mobile interpreting service: sign language or speech-to-text interpreters can be connected live through a laptop or smartphone.

Students with Mobility Impairment

Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) Freiburg

Study assistance and assistance in daily life, as well as outpatient care for adults with severe physical or sensory impairment.

Ring der Körperbehinderten Freiburg e.V.

One of the largest associations for assistance for people with a disability in the Freiburg region. Here you will find important information on barrier-free Freiburg, accessible toilets and accessible parking spaces.

Students with Chronic Illnesses

Aktion Multipler Sklerose Erkrankter e.V. (AMSEL) – Kontaktgruppe Freiburg

Counsel and events for individuals with multiple sclerosis.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke e.V. Landesverband BW

Regional association for muscle diseases.

studiCED – Bowel Diseases

A network for students with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

Landesverband der Epilepsie-Selbsthilfegruppen BW e.V.

Association of epilepsy self-help groups in Baden-Württemberg.

Students with Mental Health Conditions

Arbeitskreis Leben Freiburg e.V. (AKL)

Counseling for individuals in life crises and at risk of suicide.

Freiburger Hilfsgemeinschaft für Psychisch Kranke und Behinderte Menschen e.V.

Offers support in housing, leisure activities, day structure, individual care and counseling.

Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst Freiburg (Sociopsychiatric Services Freiburg)

Social support for individuals with chronic and severe mental health conditions.

Students with Specific Learning Disorders, Autism, ADHD/ADD

Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie BW e.V.

Provides advice and information about dyslexia and dyscalculia, as well as a mentoring service for young individuals to find personalized solutions.

SeHT – SelbstständigkeitsHilfe bei Teilleistungsschwächen Freiburg e.V.

Support for individuals with specific learning disorders.


Internships and Career Entry

Employee Services for Academics with Severe Disabilities from the Federal Employment Agency (“Bundesagentur für Arbeit”)

Counsel on job search for academics with a disability

Job Placement for Individuals with a disability or severe disability

Counsel on job placement and financial support for individuals with a disability or severe disability from the Federal Employment Agency (“Bundesagentur für Arbeit”).

Integration Services (“Integrationsfachdienste”) Freiburg

The Integration Services are third-party services offering advice and support for severely disabled individuals in finding a training position or an employment, as well as solving problems in existing employment relationships to maintain the job in the long term.


A practice-oriented information portal for employers and disabled individuals in work life that collects and publishes information on disability, integration and employment.